Actress Nkechi Blessing Sunday took to the social media to channel her frustration to build momentum in the race for the N120 million grand prize in the ongoing CCBNaija reality TV show.
Nkechi, one of the constants on site went spiritual, singing and dancing, determined to clinch the mouth-watering offer, despite threats from the Theater Arts and Motion Pictures Practitioners Association of Nigeria (TAMPAN).
Unimpressed, Ninolowo Balanle unequivocally stated that he loves had-earned money, so the only thing that could keep him from the site is death, which he knows God has not yet decreed.
It was a stressful but fun day at the site of the CCBNaija as all the contestants lit up the atmosphere with rib-cracking jokes and the ultimate goal of walking away from the site to the 5-Bedroom Duplex in Lekki, worth N120 million, among other goodies to be won.
Equally of note is the concept of one lucky fan with the highest vote standing a chance of winning a 3-Bedroom Bungalow built by the celebrities. As a fan, vote for your favourite celebrities and win.
HOW TO VOTE: *bankcode*000*contestant code (number of votes) for example, (if you are using GTB and sending 10 votes) *737*000*54900010#
Naledi Botina Code: 5491000; Teddy A Code: 5491001; Mercy Aigbe Code: 549002; Anto Lecky Code: 5491002; Rosie Code: 5491003; Funky Mallam Code: 5491004; Josh 2 funny Code: 5491005; Akuapem poloo Code: 5491006; Nkechi Blessing Code: 5491007; Lizzy Jay Code: 5491008; Ruggedman Code: 5491009; Ninalowo Bolanle Code: 5491010.
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Click on the vote icon beneath your preferred celebrity’s name, fill the form, submit, choose your preferred payment method, and complete the steps.
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Click on the international vote button at the top of the page, click on the vote icon beneath your preferred celebrity’s name; fill the form, submit, choose your preferred payment method and complete the steps.