9 months agoon
AdminDon’t be away too often from your families – Bishop Chris Kwakpovwe Alerts Christian Ministers
… Beware, Women Can Be Sent To Pastors As Agents Of darkness to distract them
After being guided by the Holy spirit into a Christian Ministry, Bishop Dr Chris Kwakpovwe founded Manna Prayer Mountain (MPM) Ministry Worldwide, a thriving Ministry whose tentacles have spread from Nigeria to other parts of the world. From a resident pastor, he is now a travelling pastor, with a good online presence.
In this interview, Bishop Kwakpovwe who is also an author and Publisher of Our Daily Manna, a daily devotional, warns pastors of possible dangers on their path, and how best to succeed in Christian Ministry.
Congratulations on the spread of your ministry to other parts of the world. How do you cope shuttling from country to country?
Thank you very much. I am grateful to God for everything that He has done and continues to do for me. It’s been the Grace & Mercy of God all the way. I can’t do it without Him.
You have also made a heavy presence with online ministry, how is this helping to push your ministry?
Again, I am grateful to God for the inspiration of the online platform. It has given the ministry the opportunity to reach more people for God, which is a great thing for the Kingdom of God.
Which of the two presently takes more of your time: traditional physical preaching or online preaching?
It’s going to be difficult for me to say which takes more of my time, they both meet different needs. So I give attention to both at different times when needed. I therefore cannot choose.
Would you say Christianity is growing across the world and making the desired impact?
Christianity is definitely growing and making a great impact across the world. Just like we said earlier, the online space has made that very possible. We are grateful to God.
Men of God travel a lot these days, but family life is also important. What’s your advice on how best a man of God can keep a happy family, and a happy home?
That’s such a fantastic question. Creating time to be with your family is very important as a Man of God. For me, I travel with my wife everywhere I go, that’s how important she is to me. But having said that, some of my fellow men of God might not have the freedom to travel everywhere with their spouses. I will advise that they create a balance not to be away too often from their families.
Miracles, what can you say about this crucial aspect of Christianity? Would you say that miracle still exists?
That is such a funny question. Miracles most definitely exist. This ODM Vision began with just 50 copies. But it is now all over the world. This is a miracle I cannot explain.
You and I sleeping and waking up every day is a miracle in itself. Yes there may be situations where doubt has been created by some ‘pastors,’ but the word of God cannot change… Jesus walked this earth and healed the sick and raised the dead. So that power to heal is still available today and miracles still happens.
What challenges do you think men of God should watch out for at this time?
The challenges as I see them are enormous, especially at this time. Firstly, in this social media age, there’s a tendency to want to copy others; that then creates inferiority complex which can now pose a serious challenge to some pastors. I think pastors should seek the face of God and let the Holy Spirit guide them to their true calling that will help them focus on their focus. When you focus on your focus, the world will make you their focus. Stop copying or enving others. Mind your lane.
What challenges do you think men of God should watch out for at this time?
The challenges as I see them are enormous, especially at this time. Firstly, in this social media age, there’s a tendency to want to copy others; that then creates inferiority complex which can now pose a serious challenge to some pastors. I think pastors should seek the face of God and let the Holy Spirit guide them to their true calling that will help them focus on their focus. When you focus on your focus, the world will make you their focus. Stop copying or enving others. Mind your lane.
Secondly, the fear of going away is another big challenge. Pastors are sometimes afraid to take time away from their ministry for a while. This is because they are afraid the ministry cannot go on without them.
Thirdly, females can also be sent to pastors as agents of darkness to distract them. Pastors must pray to have self control like in the case of Samson. He resisted but later he surrendered. So being in tune with the Holy Spirit constantly is very key.
Fourthly, finance is also a challenge. Pastors shouldn’t begin to give false prophecies because of money.
Fifthly, Men of God should also watch out for their family life. Their spouse might not be called. Don’t force them. It could pose a challenge in their relationship.
Sixthly, the lack of rest is another big challenge. Men of God need to intentionally create time to rest.
Once in a while, do you miss not practising pharmacy, the course you studied at the university?
Yes and No. Yes, I miss Pharmacy sometimes because it was a passion of mine which was why I studied it in the university in the first place. But no, because my calling into ministry is a deeper realm of Pharmacy.
Pharmacy in itself gives me the opportunity to help and heal people through medicine, which is the same thing that God has called me into as a minister of the gospel. Being a pastor is a deeper form of helping and healing people through the power of the Holy Spirit, and also to help people live a God fulfilling life here on earth thereby helping them make heaven thereafter.
Are your children taking after you? If yes, is it the pharmacy aspect or the pastoral aspect?
One of my children is doing Pharmacy while the other is a fantastic Administrator. The third is gifted in music. None of them is in the Pastoral Ministry for now. You know the Holy Spirit is the one who guides us on our journey through life. I never thought back then in the days that I will be a pastor, so let the Holy Spirit be their guide.
Looking back, what are you most grateful to God about?
I am most grateful to God for calling me and showing me so much mercy that I don’t deserve. I read Pharmacy but God made me a prophetic writer, a pastor and announced me to the whole world. Every day, I look back and I’m grateful for the opportunities that the ODM has brought to me. I can never thank God enough for showing me so much Mercy.
Do you think the increasing number of pastors casts a shadow on the authenticity of pastor-hood? How do you even identify the true ones?
I don’t think so because the world’s population is increasing by the hour and the gospel of Christ must reach the ends of the earth. So just as the population is increasing, so will pastors also increase. My advice to the Christian population worldwide is that everyone should know God for themselves, so that they can discern who the “true pastors” are, just like you put it. On the increasing number of pastors casting any shadow on the authenticity of pastors, I don’t think so. Again I will add that we should be in tune with the Holy Spirit for guidance. For the insincere pastors, the Holy Spirit will always reveal them sooner than later I believe.
How do you react to those who say that churches, especially Pentecostal, are family businesses waiting to be inherited by owners’ children, irrespective of whether they are called or not?
This question is a very interesting one because it doesn’t have a straight forward answer. They’re some Pentecostal churches whose founders have died and the churches have been handed over to Pastors who weren’t the founders’ children. I think the issue most Founders could have is that of trust. Again The Holy Spirit should be the guide of every succession. Let Him always lead us to make the best choice of who to handover to. I also think that it will be difficult for a child who isn’t called to inherit a ministry and make a success of it because the ministry isn’t like every other business. So I will again advise my fellow Pastors to pray and walk with the leading of the Holy Spirit at every particular point in time so that God’s name will continually be glorified. God will help us!
Do you find time to relax and if yes, what do you do at your spare time?
Not finding or creating time to relax is something that I’m guilty of because I am always researching and writing or praying. But whenever I find the time, I enjoy swimming a lot.