Bonsue Fuji creator, Adewale Ayuba, over the years has been to be peculiar among other fuji singers due to his unique qualities. Aside of the fact that he’s refined, other qualities that stands him out include the fact that he’s declared to be a born again christian even though he operates in the section of the music industry that is oriented by tenets of islam. He’s also reputed to be peaceful as he’s never engaged in any kind of unrest with his colleagues just like he’s corporate image is more pronounced and confirmed..
It may also of interest to know this easy going talented singer is also different to his peers as to his choice of the tribe where he picked a wife from. His wife is from the Eastern part of the country, which makes her Igbo. Another peculiarity of Ayuba is that he’s not given to showcasing his wife or any member of his family, but in the spirit of valentine season, Mr Johnson, as the Bubble crooner is also known, took to his social media platform to celebrate the love of his life and the woman who means the whole world to him, Azuka.