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Signs Your Spouse Could be Cheating

Cheating, or infidelity, is one of the more challenging problems that can come up in a marriage. In most cases, even when you confront your partner with accusations of cheating, it will be denied or you will be made to feel like the “crazy one.” Unless you have hard evidence or irrefutable proof, most will not admit it. There are many behaviors that are indicative of an affair.

However, it is quite possible that your spouse could have these behaviors and not actually be having an affair. What may be a warning sign in one relationship may be nothing to be concerned about in another relationship.

There are many signs that are more obvious. For example, going outside to talk on the phone a lot, clearing the internet history on the computer, not being where the GPS says he or she is, and so on. Sometimes it isn’t one obvious thing, but numerous behaviors in totality that raise your infidelity radar.

Warning Signs That a Spouse May Be Cheating on You:

There is a good chance that your intuition is sensing that unfaithfulness, whether it is physical or emotional, is possibly going on.

You should be especially concerned if your gut feelings are not normally like you. If you keep getting denial and “push-back” when trying to discuss your concerns with your partner, you may need to get professional help to sort through this. Or, it is time to get that hard evidence.

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