Former Reps Member Rotimi Makinde Accused of Complicity in an Attempted Murder Incident
3 years agoon
Former member of the House of Representatives, Honorable Rotimi Mkainde, is battling accusation of complicity in an incident that almost claimed a life.

Alex Adom
The victim of the incident, who is identified as Alex, alleged that the Ile-Ife, Osun state born politician, Makinde, held his hands while he ordered one of his boys to stab him with a bottle, during a fight that broke out in Makinde’s hotel, Capricornia House at Alagbole area of Akute/Ajuwon.
The issue has gotten the attention of the police.

The person Alex said to have carried out the stabbing
In a chat with JustNews, Alex explained what transpired between him and Honorable Makinde at the latter’s hotel.
Tell us your name and what actually happened?
My name is Alex Adom Oluwaseun. That day, I was coming back from the Island to Ojodu and we now passed through that hotel, Capricornia. My friend drove into the place and the man now asked why we would drive like that, and we pleaded him so we could drive out and he asked us to go. In the course of driving out, we mistakenly hit the hit the gate. That was how the whole thing started. The owner of the hotel slapped my friend. Then I came into the matter and told the man we were going to fix the gate and before I knew it, one of his boys slapped me and of course, I retaliated. It was the man who was asking his boys to do whatever they want that nothing would happen. In the process, one of them just stabbed me in the neck. I asked the man to see how I had been stabbed and he started boasting that nothing would happen.
Were you stabbed in the premises of the hotel?
No, outside the hotel. I have the picture of the guy that stabbed me. There is CCTV in the compound, let them bring the stuff and see who was at fault. They chased me outside, one his managers held me and the guy stabbed me and I was bleeding. I even lost iphone 12 Promax and my iphone XR got broken. Upon all that, the man still used police to arrest us because he feels we are nobody and there is nothng we can do.
However, the actor turn politician, Makinde, denied any involvement in the incident of an attempt on the life of Alex.
JustNews put a call across to him to get his reaction to the allegation but he insisted on having a physical meeting. Wole Adepoju met with him at the scene of the alleged incident where he explained his own side of the story.
Below is his reaction.
How would you react to the allegation that you ordered one of your boys to stab one Alex in the neck, here in your premises?
First and foremost, you have to give me the analysis which they gave you before I will react, because your choice of words (Referring to the journalist) is showing you appear to have taken sides and taken a position on this matter. Be conscious of the fact that the case is already being investigated and being handled by the police. Maybe, they never gave you the story up to that level. Secondly, I am also conscious of the fact that you must be here majorly because I am public figure and because I am politician and they know Golden fish has no hiding place. If I was probably just nobody, the case may not get to you, but because those boys appeared to have targeted that he’s somebody in white garment that needs to stained, maybe, that’s why you are here. So, not until you give me the complete background, an holistic explanation of what you heard, I may not react.
Some of the questions you raised, you have answered yourself. This is it. I am a journalist; I am only doing my job. Like you said, you are popular person and infact, my coming here is on your honor, because there is no reaction you have that could not have been given on the phone. So, coming down here as you requested is basically on your honor. If I had taken a side, I would not have bothered checking with you. As my job entails, I heard a story and it was only ethical and reasonable to hear your own side of the story before doing anything and that is where my own stake ends. The story I heard was that some young men came to your fun spot, an issue ensued and one of them was allegedly stabbed on your order. Of course you don’t expect them to tell a story against themselves, they have to put the blame on you and that is why I am here to get your side to balance my story. Now, the onus is on you to establish your innocence. I do not have anything against you. Can we now take your reaction?
Let me also say this. Anyone who has skeleton in his cupboard will probably not be bold to meet with you. And I am simply celebrating the fact that you have taken the pain to set eyes on me. Of course, if you go ahead and write with the perspective of the story that you were given, it is going to be a test of whatever but I want to let you know it took me a long period of time t get to this level I am. I have sacrificed a lot and I recognize fact many people look unto me, I am a mentor to many and that is why I am a very careful person in the society. Besides, I am an apostle, a crusader of human rights. I hate to be violated. I am the type that do challenge the public to flash back at my pedigree. If you are the type who envies the position I am today, then, develop interest in knowing my background and my pedigree, through that you will be able to apportion… I am not in politics for money of fame. I am in politics by calling. And I challenge every journalist who knows me very well, that may have known me in the last 20, 30 years; they will tell you I didn’t just come by the level I am by accident. I planned for it. If it is fame, I had gotten the fame before stepping into politics. If its education, I have gotten it and if it’s even wealth, I want to tell you, to the glory of God, I think I am ok. I had been an investor in many spheres even before stepping into politics. I will still come back to your story. Those boys probably knows me with all that and that is why they thought of reaching out to a person like you even after they have reached out to those who are legalize to carry out the function of fact finding but they are not satisfied with that. You may also not know two or three or four journalists have called me on this matter, and that sends signal to me that these boys are out to mar my name. The name they did not make, nobody can mar it. That is the first background I will give to you. Coming to the question, I have no scores to settle with them. I don’t know them from Adam so there is no malice. There is no previous malice established between us. And good enough, the spot where you see now (A tiled pavement beside the entrance gate of his complex. The complex houses lodging facility, pent house bar, a night club and other business concerns) was the same place I sat, in my own humble way to relate with everyone. This is where I eat my breakfast. That is to tell you how humble I am. Even when I was in the House of Rep, I didn’t leave this community. I have the resources to go and buy a house in Magodo or Omole, but I didn’t leave. That is to tell you how solid I have been. I am only saying this to glorify God through this opportunity. Now, to your story. I was sitting down here when a vehicle ran into this place. They came in such a high speed that if children were around, they would have knocked some of them down. The vehicle hit the iron there, (Pointed to a barricade iron) and the vehicle also did this (Pointed to a damaged part of the entrance gate) when it reversed, that is to tell you how terrible it was and that no sane person could have done that. So, I approached and asked why they drove like that, and looking into the vehicle one could see traces of drink. Their eyes were dazed, about two of them had colors on their tongue to indicate they had taken drugs. And these boys should be around age 14 to 23. I tried to counsel them and good enough, the guy who drove still some element of balance so he came down and started prostrating. Then one just came down from the back and started talking to me anyhow. Already, there was crowd and they were cautioning him and asking him if he didn’t know who he was talking to and all that, and before I knew it, the guy started fighting with them. I didn’t leave this place but they chased themselves to that place (Pointed to somewhere down outside the gate). At that point, I ordered the gate should be locked so they vehicle would not go, and the guy who drove the vehicle started begging that there were lots of dangerous things in the vehicle. Along the line, I called the police and when the police came, the guy had removed the car because he begged I should allow him take it. The guy who removed car went to park it in the estate and came back. Meanwhile, those who chased themselves away who were passers-by and customers, I didn’t even know what became of them. Meanwhile, the police saw the guy who drove the vehicle and they wanted to take him away, he started begging and I was also begging for him and they released him and everything went calm. Later, some boys numbering about eight came and started shouting that one of the boys who chased them away had stabbed one of their own. I was moved. After all, I am a human being and a father.
So, the stabbing didn’t happen in this complex?
It was not here. To God who mad me, it was not here. You can do your findings elsewhere. It was not here. I think they went to that junction when that happened, but who, I don’t know.
I called the police again and when they came, they met some of the boys that were shouting at me and they took them away. I didn’t do anything. I didn’t fight them. There were some who were not caught with the ones taken away, they came and started begging that I should released them. I picked my car and chase the police to their station at Ajuwon. Luckily, I met them at the petrol station along the way and I pleaded that they should let them go. They refused, saying they had to incident it but eventually, they released them and left. Along the line, I gave them my number so I can know how the boy that was stabled was doing. The following day or two days later, the police called me and mentioned that one of my staff was responsible for the stabbing and I said the guy they pointed was right with me throughout, nevertheless, I will ask him to come. He went there and wrote he didn’t know about it, that all he knew was that he saw them attacking his boss and he joined them and he was later asked to close the gate. Later, when the guy that reported came, he said he was not the one that stabbed him. Then, the police said when the stabbed one was okay, he will identify who stabled him. Infact, the same person they accused was the one I sent to the station to go and get what was happening for me. Police now reached me and said the guy who came to report came with the picture of the stabbed neck. That was the first time I would see the picture and the magnitude of the injury and I was moved. I had to because I could see blood. I had to because I have children and I am a father. At that point, I took interest in the matter. But what I have observed is that, they have tactically positioned themselves to smear my name. if it is to fight, they should limit it to the police station and police think I gave the order, they should be able to establish there was a malice between us. It was later I got hear that some of them are regular customers here. And won’t it be my joy that I am adding up customers not depleting. What will I gain?