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Lanre Teriba Revives Hope, Love, Joy in New Album, Olodumare …Sets Release Date



That cute looking dude, Lanre Teriba is one of the singers who rose from nothing to something on the heel of their craft, is a claim that is indisputable, as record of how his God given talent paved way for him when he hit the target  many years ago, is still there. Teriba, it will be recalled held music lovers and the society at large by storm when he released his debut album, a monster hit titled ‘Atorise’ over two decade ago.

It is however exhilarating that years after hitting the limelight, Teriba is still kicking so hard in the music industry, doing what he knows how to do best. As a matter of fact, he’s gone ahead to release over twenty albums with many awards to validate his excellence, recognize of his contribution and honor his personality. He’s basically been living his dream.

It is in the line of contributing to the society, sustaining his career and building a legacy, versatile inspirational singer, Teriba, has perfected plans to once again excite music lovers, and yet again, fulfill his promise of churning out quality songs, as he’s set release a new album, can authoritatively reveal.  The musical effort that is due to be released in August 2023, is a nine tracker. The entire tracks are basically designed to bring about hope, install confidence, to console, build faith, love  and make happy, all geared towards making life difficulties and challenges bearable. While some of the tracks are pure inspirational in make up, some have gospel infusion, but all designed to achieving same purpose, which is to inspire among other things.

The tracks are Olodumare, Ojumo Ayo, Eniyan n Woju, Ogo, Agbelebu mi, and Nigeria My Country. Others are One Day, In His Presence, Oluwa J’oba Aye Mi Titi.

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